Julie (Jules) Walker

Individual - Family & Groups - Couples

Counselling can really make a difference during those hard chapters of our lives. Often we hold our thoughts so tightly that we ‘miss’ some pieces of the puzzle, and so there could be options that may not have been considered, and paths of healing which have not been explored.

I aim to shine a light on the possibilities and solutions which will make a tangible difference in your life. Some things I know, cannot be solved, such as the grief felt after a bereavement, but talking things through can make a difference to how you might cope and how you might take one step at a time.

I am trained in psychology as well as counselling, and I count it a blessing to be a reliable and trustworthy support person for you, always mindful to go at your pace, while drawing on proven psychological tools and techniques.


My areas of special interest (but not limited to) are as follows:

  • family systems – your family of origin can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself, and how you relate to others.  Understanding the patterns, and why you feel as you do, is the start of your recovery. We then look at the areas specific to your situation. Examples might be: generational anxiety, being ‘the scapegoat’, conflict management, or how to deal with manipulation and control.
  • couple therapy/marriage – improving general communication, conflict intimacy, understanding each others vulnerabilities and patterns and seeing the relationship as a unique entity which needs care.
  • grief and complex grief – sometimes we in the Western world do not give enough time or space to the impact of grief on friends, family and self. Also some grief is not as “acceptable” to society at large especially if it continues for an extended period. It is important to acknowledge that everyone’s grief journey is unique and there is no “right” path or time period
  • anxiety and depression – I have extensive knowledge in these areas having written and delivered many many hours of group programmes as well as counselling individuals in private therapy. I will teach you psychological tools to change those obstacles in your thinking, introduce you to sensory modulation work, look at diet and how that can impact your mood, physiological interventions, stress management and more…
  • recovery from spiritual abuse and learning to trust again
  • the wound from narcissistic abuse, healing, and the way forward
  • coping with chronic or terminal health issues (as well as my professional training,  twenty years ago I received a serious cancer diagnosis and so I deeply understand the emotions that individuals go through. The cancer has never returned and I live a healthy and fulfilling life).
  • trauma and somatic experiencing – I recently completed a Summer School in this area overseas and it is a particular interest – a book/YouTube link on this is ‘The Body Keeps Score’


Counselling Approach

I use an integrated counselling approach (so I draw from a wealth of proven psychological approaches depending on the particular needs of the client). I have training, knowledge and experience in Narrative Therapy, Mindfulness, Group Therapy, Couple therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Sensory Modulation, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy.


Q Registrations and Memberships

- Member of NZ Christian Counsellors Association (MNZCCA)

Q Qualifications

- Bachelor of Health Science (Psychology) - 1st Class Honours
- Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling
- Trinity College TESOL
- Whiteira Creative Writing Certificate

Q Appointments

- Zoom or Face to Face in Birkenhead
- Monday to Friday 1pm to 6pm inclusive

Q Fees & Payment

- All sessions are 60 minutes
- Individuals $120
- Couples and Families $150
- Couples and families may prefer 90 minute sessions which are $200
- Zoom sessions are also available at the same fees as above
- Payment is requested by cash or internet within 3 days after the completed appointment
