Viktoria Chamberman

Registered Counsellor

Counselling gives you the space to explore your experiences and to discover new understandings, possibilities and positive change.

Counselling can be a sounding board, but equally a trained voice that assists with identifying tools and skills to address challenges that you can make use of throughout life. Counselling can also help address and resolve the impact of traumatic experiences, untangle the impossible and make sense of self.

Many of the people I meet with today struggle with their mental health and symptoms from various diagnosis; others come to counselling for help with problem solving, getting unstuck and to learn ways to respond to grief & loss, or life changes. While it sometimes takes time for a person to make that first call, people are generally ready for change once counselling begins.

My role is to make sure you feel safe and supported and to help you move towards the future you want. You should expect positive changes in your life as a result of coming to counselling – how these changes will ‘look’ depends on what has brought you to therapy.


Counselling Experience & Approach

I am an experienced counsellor, registered with the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC) since 2008. I have extensive experience counselling individual women, men and youth, but also many years behind me as family therapist, school counsellor and parent educator. I practice from a trauma-informed position with the knowledge that many people have experienced trauma – direct and historical – with consequences that continue to impact their life today.

My original training was in narrative therapy 20 years ago, but I have since trained in solution focused brief therapy, motivational interviewing, prolonged exposure therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). My work is always tailored to the individual person’s needs and circumstances.


About Me

In 2024, after 20 years in Auckland, Wellington and Carterton, my family and I decided to pack up and move to the UK to be closer to family. This meant moving our kids from their school in rural Wairarapa and saying goodbye to the people and places we love, for a life in Surrey, an hour away from the metropolis of London.

While I am currently living in the UK, I have an up-to-date NZAC Practicing Certificate and my professional development activities and networks remain in New Zealand.

For more on me – check out my website

All the best.



Q Registrations and Memberships

- Member, Registered with NZ Association of Counsellors (MNZAC)
- TELUS Health provider

Q Qualifications

- Master of Development Studies (Distinction, Victoria University of Wellington)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Social Practice (Counselling Major, UNITEC)
- Bachelor of Social Practice (Counselling Major, UNITEC)

Q Appointments

- I currently offer ONLINE sessions
- I offer after hours sessions - please enquire and we'll figure out a suitable time.

Q Fee

- Each session is 50-60 minutes
- Individual sessions are $110
