Preventing Suicide using the Solution Focused Approach – 29 April

An interactive, practical workshop with international therapist, author and trainer John Henden.

Following the phenomenal success of his previous face-face workshops with over 1000 participants attending across NZ, John presents this one-day interactive online workshop on Preventing Suicide Using the Solution Focused approach.

This workshop is intended specifically, to reduce further the suicide rate amongst clients/service users (SUs) and to act as a refresher workshop for the basic tools and techniques of the SFBT model. Attendees will be provided with a unique approach to the SU who is having suicidal ideas, which both reduces the likelihood of further suicidal thinking and, at the same time, reduces the sense of burden on the health professional.

With the focus on the practical side of preventing suicide using this approach, there will be some powerful, easy-to-learn-and-apply solution focused tools and techniques taught followed by interactive practice exercises by participants. These can be implemented immediately into participants’ daily practice.


When: 29 April 2025, 9am – 3.30pm

Where: Online via Zoom

Cost: $320 inc GST. The price stated is per person.

Contact: Faye Johnson –  [email protected]

For more information and to register – please visit the website please visit the website  **Note our Special Offer***

NOTE – If your organisation is interested in having John present face-face as a private workshop to 12 – 40 members of your team in October / November 2025, please contact Faye Johnson for more information.


Q This training will cover:

• How we can tell whether someone is suicidal, rather than simply depressed.
• Empathy and Deep empathy.
• The 3 core conditions for effective communication and rapid rapport building.
• Questions to elicit suicidal ideation.
• Sample questions to ask once suicidal ideation has been established.
• Effective Solution Focused techniques in suicide prevention.
• 10 key points to cover in the first session.
• Generating other possibilities, alongside the suicide option, as potential solutions to difficulties.
• ‘Going with’ the suicidal person.
• Being as effective as possible.
• Graveside Scenario.
• Ending a session positively, constructively and assertively.

John will demonstrate practical examples of the above; and, in addition, cover suicide in the context of unresolved or undeclared trauma.

Q Learning Outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Apply at least 10 of the basic SFBT tools and techniques to their work with the suicidal
• Acknowledge their existing knowledge and skill base when working with suicidal SUs and be keen to enhance that effectiveness.
• Have a good grasp of the basic concepts of the SF approach to the SU who expressed suicidal ideas.
• Be confident enough to apply to good effect, at least 2 of the specialised SF techniques, in their work with the suicidal SU
• Feel more comfortable in their dealings generally with SUs who want to talk about suicide or self-harm as an option for dealing with their difficulties
• Know when, from a risk assessment perspective, to discuss the case and/or receive supervision from appropriate professional colleagues and/or managers
• Appreciate the value and importance of hope and optimism within themselves, even when dealing with the most tragic of human circumstances confronting them.
• Presenting practical examples of the above, in addition John will cover suicide in the context of unresolved or undeclared trauma. ‘Going with’ the suicidal person.

Q Who Should Attend

Anyone supporting or working with suicidal persons.

This includes, but is not limited to: Front-line staff working in social services, health, education and law enforcement: Key Workers, Unit Managers, Mental Health Nurses, Social Workers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists RTLB, Teachers, General Practitioners, Therapists, Emergency Room staff, Telephone Helpline staff, Residential Care Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Practicing Counsellors, Police and Probation Officers.

Also, volunteers, and those who have the lived-experience of supporting colleagues, friends, or whanau who are suicidal, and anyone who wants to learn simple yet effective tools to help those at risk.
