In the past 12 months Talkingworks has had more then 250,000 visitors.
We take Listings for Rooms for Rent, Job Vacancies, Professional Development Events and the Counsellors Directory.
Counsellor Directory:
Practitioners who want to List on the Counsellor Directory need to belong to one of the eligible professional bodies, check the list in the next question.
Rooms for Rent, Job Vacancies and Professional Development adverts:
Anyone can list these.
The talkingworks Directory aims to provide the public with access to professional psychological help. You are therefore welcome to advertise your services if you are:
Counsellor Directory:
Rooms for Rent, Job Vacancies and Professional Development Events:
We are happy to provide any help you need, either with small things you can’t work out, tidy up the formatting, resizing your images, or we can do the whole job of creating your Account and Listing/s for you just get in touch.
Just a little time is needed for google to know your Listing exists.
When you do a Google search it doesn’t go out live to the internet and look at all the options. It goes looking in a massive “index” it has created, and returns relevant results from there. And until it puts you in its index it doesn’t actually know your webpage (Listing) exists. It updates it’s index by sending “robots” out across the web looking for new websites, webpages, and changes to pages it’s already indexed. Fortunately, Talkingworks changes nearly every day, so its robots drop by quite often, and new members generally find they come up in searches within a couple of weeks.