Learn techniques and practical strategies to support dyslexic learners
Attachment-informed approaches to calming anxiety and reducing stress in your younger clients.
with Aakriti Malik, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Internal Family Systems Therapist
Learn new and exciting coaching methods based on neuroscience and current research
Delve deeper into your FACT knowledge and enhance your skills
A senior clinician's take on preparing either type of ACC's wellbeing plans.
Learn a new approach to supporting grieving children; matter-reinforcing care.
Expand your understanding of embracing Neurodiversity
Embracing Neurodiversity
A deeper dive & how to apply Polyvagal Theory into your practice
Gain a deeper understanding of how trauma intersects with autism and other neurodivergent experience
Befriending your Nervous System: An Intro to Polyvagal Theory
Learn skills, tools and effective strategies to better recognise the signs of toxic stress
Simple, brief and effective interventions in getting clients unstuck
An evidence based social skills program developed for people on the Autism Spectrum
A senior clinician's take on the ACC Specialist Cover Assessment process for sexual abuse claims
Connecting with diverse populations
Increase your skills in working with this client group and their families.
For those who have already attended Diane Clare’s Skills for working with Borderline Personality Dis
An introduction to Sensory Processing and how to support individuals effectively
Addiction training that is ethical, competent and culturally-responsive
Exploring what works, and how to support these clients with Diane Clare.
With Diane Clare. Practical skills for working with those with emotional intensity difficulties.
For those who have already attended Diane Clare’s Practical Alternatives to Self-Harm 101 training.
An introduction to Complex Trauma 101 (with a brief look at dissociation)
Transform your skills in supporting your clients' personal motivation and commitment to a specific g
A follow up 201 workshop that considers how to begin working more directly with complex trauma memor