Annette Davison



I have an intuitive and practical approach to supporting clients, through the exploration of behaviours and beliefs that limit living a fulfilling life. As we work together your self-awareness, understanding and compassion will grow, leading to the achievement of sustainable change and a more enriched life.


Areas of Special Interest

  • Life Crisis
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mind/body connection
  • Relationship Issues
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief and loss
  • Stress and Worry
  • Parenting Issues
  • Spirituality
  • Sexuality


Counselling Services

When the same things keep happening over and over, and you realize you’re in a rut but don’t know how to get out, talking with me can shed light on beliefs and behaviors, and reveal why you’re in pain, frustrated and unhappy. Sharing with a skilled counsellor can bring immense relief and create sustainable change.


There are many ways seeing me as a counsellor can help you including:

  • coping with a bereavement or relationship breakdown
  • managing redundancy or work-related stress
  • explore issues such as sexual identity
  • deal with issues that are preventing you from achieving your ambitions
  • deal with feelings of depression or sadness, and have a more positive outlook on life
  • understand yourself and your problems better
  • feel more confident


Through working with me you can expect to feel relief from overwhelming feelings and thoughts. Your self-awareness will increase, benefiting you with more self-confidence and strength to create sustainable change and manage conflict. In working with me you will learn skills and techniques to have a more fulfilling and intimate relationship to yourself and other important people in your life.


Counselling Approach

​I am a skilled counsellor, creating a safe environment that supports you to change, grow and develop. I am adept at getting to the core of the issues you bring in a respectful and empathic way. I have trained as a Psychosynthesis Counsellor. Psychosynthesis, simply described, is a holistic approach to counselling which honors the uniqueness of the individual and their life’s journey – taking account of the whole person – body, mind, feelings, sexuality and spirituality. Psychosynthesis encourages us to look at our difficulties with greater compassion, connecting us with our own potential for self-healing and personal growth – and ultimately freeing us from the past to live more meaningful and enriching lives.


Background and Experience

I was a counsellor at Youthline for the 20+ age group, working with people from a variety of backgrounds, cultures and sexual orientations, including professionals and students. Their issues included: work and career issues, divorce, parenting, chronic illness, trauma, sexual abuse, grief, anxiety, depression, and stress management. I also worked for 7 years at the Regional Eating Disorder Services in a multi disciplinary team of health professionals, where I used Yoga as therapy to support the healing journey for adolescents and adults with anorexia and bulimia.

I am committed to my own self development and spiritual practice of meditation and Yoga. I have travelled extensively and worked in a variety of jobs. I am the mother of two gorgeous teenagers.



Q Registrations and Memberships

- Member New Zealand Association of Counsellors (MNZAC)
- ACC Registered Counsellor
-PAnzA Psychosynthesis Association of Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia

Q Qualifications

- Diploma Psychosynthesis Counselling
- Diploma of Yoga Wellpark College

Q Appointments

I am available weekdays and evenings

Q Fees

- My fee is $130 per 1hr session.
- Partial funding maybe available through WINZ if you are a student or beneficiary
