Clarke Millar

Psychotherapy for Hope and Change

Ngā mihi ki a koe,

I am a registered Psychotherapist offering counselling, therapy and clinical supervision on the Kāpiti coast.  I have had over 20 years of clinical and leadership experience in specialist mental health services in Aotearoa New Zealand.

I specialise in trauma-sensitive, Collaborative Therapy with multi-stressed individuals and couples. I am trained and experienced in a range of therapeutic modalities including Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR).  Please note that I offer EMDR in the context of psychotherapy, and not a stand-alone intervention.

I have worked in both adult and infant, child and adolescent mental health (ICAMHS) settings. From 2017 to 2024, I led a specialist mental health service supporting parental mental health during pregnancy and early parenthood.

In addition to counselling and long-term psychotherapy, I offer clinical supervision to mental health professionals.


Q Registrations & Memberships

- Registered Psychotherapist
- Provisional Member NZ Association of Psychotherapists (NZAP)
- Registered Social Worker
- Member Aotearoa-NZ Association of Social Workers (MANZASW)

Q Appointments

I am currently available on:
- Tuesdays for in-person appointments
- Wednesdays for online appointments

Q Fees

- Session cost is $173 ($150 + GST)
