My name is Celine and I am a registered Clinical Psychologist who has been working in the field for around 10 years. I’ve worked in both in public community mental health (New Zealand and the UK), as well as in private practice. I hold a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Auckland.
I am trained primarily in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (including mindfulness informed CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In addition I have gained expertise in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, Schema therapy and family systems theory, and tend to adapt my treatment plan according to the needs and goals of my clients.
It’s an honour to be able to walk alongside people when they are in a time in their life when things feel particularly hard, they have big questions about who they are, or are trying to find meaning and purpose in their life.
I believe that good therapy happens in the context of a trusting relationship, and that this is where my strength lies. I am warm, level-headed, empathetic, and non-judgmental, and I strive to work collaboratively, flexibly, and creatively with my clients.
I want people to walk out of my sessions feeling supported, safe, and more equipped with psychological tools in their kete [basket] to deal with their challenges.