Live Webinar: Supporting people living through the grief of pet loss

The Grief Centre

LIVE WEBINAR: 15th October 2024, 1-3pm NZDT

Register here: 

Who should attend this webinar?

Anyone who works in a professional care role or supports people through all forms of loss and grief. Our content is applicable to a wide variety of professions including counsellors, social workers, teachers, emergency response teams, medical, corrections, mental health, hospice, volunteers, caregivers and more. This topic also stretches across those working in the animal health field including vets, pet insurance companies and other animal health companies who may be in contact with people dealing with declining pet health, or pet loss.


With pet ownership increasing, particularly post-pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge and discuss the deep emotional connections between people and their pets and how, for some people, the human-animal bond may be comparable or supersede relationships with other humans. This two-hour online webinar will explore the unique and socially stigmatised nature of pet loss grief and supporting people through this particular type of loss.  You will learn how to support people living with end-of-life decisions for pets while also dealing with disenfranchised grief: a more complex journey through loss. Vicky will also discuss various perspectives and complexities of working with this unique cohort, providing tips for professionals supporting individuals through this difficult journey.

Key learning points

  • Learn how to support people living with end-of-life decisions for pets
  • Navigate dealing with disenfranchised grief: a more complex journey through loss
  • The various perspectives and complexities of working with this cohort

Webinar registration details

  • Access to the webinar recording 
  • Access to a downloadable PDF handout
  • Certificate of accomplishment issued on completion of a short quiz

Certificate of accomplishment

We can provide a certificate of accomplishment for all our training courses. Go to the certificate of accomplishment quiz page section of the webinar recording. The requirement for receiving a certificate to confirm professional development for CPD points is as follows:

  • You must view a minimum of 80% of a recorded webinar workshop
  • You must complete a short quiz on the webinar content.

CPD Points/Credits

We are accredited to provide points/credits to the following organisations, educational institutes, and associations:

New Zealand


Our training is endorsed or recommended by the following Organisations, Educational Institutes, and Associations:

New Zealand

The CPD Group

ACA (Australian Counselling Association)

To receive your CPD points/credits, you will need to receive a certificate of accomplishment which you can then provide to your relevant institution.


Q Ticket prices

$85 plus GST for two hour live webinar, access to the recording, notes and a quiz to receive a certificate of accomplishment for CPD/OPD points.

Q Presenter: Vicky Nonas

Vicky Nonas's heartfelt purpose in life is to support people going through a unique type of loss: pet loss.

Grieving the loss of a pet is poorly acknowledged by society, which can result in a more complex journey of grieving than human loss. 

Vicky is well-acquainted with the grief of losing a beloved pet. It all started with her first dog, Boof, the soulmate who had been by her side for nearly two decades. All she went through—and the tending process that comes with losing someone so precious—led her into a time of deep study into the nuances of the grieving process, in particular, the concept of disenfranchised grief. This journey has guided her to today as one of the few Pet Loss Bereavement Counsellors in Australia and the world. She supports others in a way that she says was sadly lacking when she needed help with her heartbreak. 
