Live Webinar: Sustainable Me – How do professional carers care for ourselves?


LIVE WEBINAR: 24th September 2024, 1-3pm NZST

Register here:

Who should attend this webinar?

Anyone who works in a professional care role or supports people through all forms of loss and grief. Our content is applicable to a wide variety of professions including counsellors, social workers, teachers, emergency response teams, medical, corrections, mental health, hospice, volunteers, caregivers and more. 


Those of us who work in caring roles are well aware of the need to look after ourselves –  we are often reminded of the need to exercise, socialise, drink water, have fun, take breaks, meditate etc. It’s a basic expectation that we are supposed to be good at.  

But sometimes the tasks of self-care can feel like extra work or effort in our already busy lives and they can slip off the list of priorities. Or perhaps we feel sure we have self-care all figured out and then find ourselves in a season of overload where it seems like the plan just isn’t working like it used to. 

This webinar invites practitioners in caring roles to take a fresh look at self-care by exploring some important questions

Key learning points

  • How can we shake up our thinking about self-care so that it goes to the top of the list of our personal and professional priorities?
  • What aspects of stress or burnout are personal, and what are more heavily shaped by cultural or workplace expectations
  • How can we develop flexible and adaptable self-caring ways of being that really help in challenging times?
  • How can we think of personal and professional wellness as a shared responsibility in our community of practitioners?

Webinar registration details

When you register you will get:

  • Access to the live two-hour webinar
  • Access to the webinar recording 
  • Access to a downloadable PDF handout
  • Certificate of accomplishment issued on completion of a short quiz
  • Access to CPD points

Certificate of accomplishment

We can provide a certificate of accomplishment for all our training courses. The requirement for receiving a certificate to confirm professional development is as follows:

  • You must view a minimum of 80% of a live-presented webinar workshop or
  • You must view a minimum of 80% of a recorded webinar workshop
  • You must complete a short quiz on the webinar content

CPD points/credits

We are accredited to provide points/credits to the following Organisations, Educational Institutes, and Associations:

New Zealand


Our training is endorsed or recommended by the following Organisations, Educational Institutes, and Associations:

New Zealand


The CPD Group

ACA (Australian Counselling Association)

To receive your CPD points/credits, you will need to receive a certificate of accomplishment which you can then provide to your relevant institution.


Q Ticket prices

NZD$85 plus GST for two hour live webinar, access to the recording, notes and a quiz to receive a certificate of accomplishment for CPD/OPD points.

Q Presenter: Dr Susan Crozier

Susan is a counsellor and supervisor in private practice and currently works as the Spiritual Care Provider at Harbour Hospice. Originally trained in Narrative Therapy, her work with people draws on Narrative and Collaborative practices as well as ideas and practices from many wisdom traditions including contemporary Buddhism and Progressive Christianity.

After a lifelong involvement in education, personal development, and spiritual exploration, Susan has worked as a counsellor in Hospice for ten years and considers this the best of all possible places to learn about counselling other humans, the meaning of life, the significance of love, and the purpose of spiritual practice.

Susan has a PhD from the University of Auckland and is a member of NZAC
