As therapists…we must not be satisfied with simply removing overt suffering. Our clients deserve more than that. They deserve the ability to love, to bond, to excel, and, if they choose, to find the desire to serve others.
-Francine Shapiro
I work in two areas of practice: general therapy and forensic assessment/treatment.
I work with adults experiencing a wide range of difficulties, including depression, anger, anxiety, grief, and trauma. I am passionate about helping people resolve past experiences and move forward to live rich, rewarding lives. I use EMDR to assist clients in reprocessing traumatic memories. EMDR is one of only a few evidence-based treatments that are consistently effective in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Court reports:
I have expertise in the assessment and treatment of offending behaviour and provide risk assessment and psychological reports for defense counsel (Pre-sentence and NZPB reports). I have been trained in comprehensive risk assessment measures for violent, general and sexual offending and have appeared in Court as an expert witness. I also provide second opinions for those who have had assessments (including assessments for Extended Supervision Orders) done under the Department of Corrections or other providers.
17 years’ experience across a range of settings, including forensic and mental health settings.
- Registered Clinical Psychologist
- Member NZ College of Clinical Psychologists (MNZCCP)
- Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (ANZAPPL)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing New Zealand (EMDRNZ)
- ACC Registered Counsellor
Clinic days: Monday - Friday.
- Internet banking or cash welcome.
- Unfortunately we have no EFTPOS facilities on the premises.