Richard Sawrey

Narrative Consultations

I am a qualified clinical psychologist and narrative therapist with over 25 years experience in assisting adults, young people, children, couples and families from a wide range of communities address their issues and concerns. I grew up in the Wellington area and live in Porirua with my wife and children.

Areas of Special Interest

  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Couple & Relationship Issues
  • Child, Youth & Family Issues
  • Grief & Stress
  • Alcohol & Drug Issues
  • Conflict & Trauma
  • Cultural or Cross-Cultural Issues
  • Workplace Issues
  • Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse
  • Spirituality

Counselling/Therapy Services

Whakarongo ki te tangi a te manu e karanga nei
“Tui, tui, tuia!”
Tuia i runga, tuia i raro, tuia i roto
Tuia i waho, tuia i te here tangata.

Listen to the cry of the bird calling
Weave together. Weave above, Weave below, Weave within,
Weave without, Weave together the people.

I have been working for a number of years to assist and encourage people from a wide range of communites to make the changes that they want in their lives – to overcome struggles and to thrive. It has been a real privilege to witness people from varied cultures, backgrounds and communities become more of who they want to become.

All people have issues and struggles at some stage in their lives and talking with someone is one way to find a pathway to heal from the pain and find liberating and life giving pathways into the future. My role is to work with people to help find that pathway – a pathway that is unique to each person and their family.

Counselling/Therapy Approach

My preferred therapeutic method is narrative therapy because it fits with my strong commitment to work respectfully, collaboratively and effectively. This approach considers that we all have skills, beliefs, values and commitments that will assist us to reduce the influence of problems in our lives. The word narrative refers to the emphasis placed upon the stories of our lives and the difference that can be made through the respectful telling and retelling of these stories. In the narrative approach we work together to assist you to weave new threads of meaning to effectively address and resolve your issues and concerns.

Background and Experience

I have worked for over 25 years in clinical practice. I trained as a clinical psychologist and family therapist and worked for a number of years at The Family Centre in Lower Hutt which is well known both in NZ and internationally for its work in family therapy and and in the development of their “Just Therapy” approach. I have been involved in cultural justice work in psychology and counselling for many years encouraging the development of both clinically and culturally competent practitioners throughout Aotearoa-NZ.

I was Senior Clinical Psychologist at Puketiro Child and Family Service in Porirua and then was Manager of Counselling and Psychological Services for Workplace Support/Seed now Vitae – an employee assistance programme provider. I have worked in Fiji and in other Pacific Island states training and supporting the development of appropriate and relevant counselling services throughout the Pacific.

I work in private practice on the Kapiti Coast and Porirua and have been very encouraged by the heartfelt positive feedback I have received from many clients and referers over many years.

Supervision Services

I have provided supervision services to a range of professionals such as clinical psychologists, counsellors, school guidance counsellors, drug and alcohol counsellors and GPs over a number of years. I have appreciated working with people from such a wide range of professions to reflect on and improve their clinical practice. Supervision in a narrative context is an invitation for people to situate their work in its personal, political, organisational and professional contexts with a view to the co-creation of stories of preferred practice. I work to foster a collaborative relationship to assist supervisees to reflect on their work in ways that are supportive, constructive and life giving. I have been encouraged by the positive feedback from supervisees over many years.


Q Registrations and Memberships

- Registered Clinical Psychologist
- Member NZ Psychological Society (MNZPsS)
- Family Court Counsellor

Q Qualifications

- Bachelor of Science (Hons) Psychology
- Master of Arts (Applied) Clinical & Community Psychology
- Post Graduate Diploma in Narrative Therapy (Adelaide)

Q Locations

- Porirua
- Kapiti - Paraparaumu

Q Appointments

- I am available for appointments betwen 9am and 5pm on week days.

- Consultations are by appointment. If you wish to cancel an appointment please give 24 hours notice.

Q Fees

- $185/hr incl. GST
- PHO approved
- Family Court approved
- prefer fees to be paid by internet banking
