Sara Blyth


Tell me what is troubling you and I will listen. Together we can work it out. 


Areas of Special Interest

  • problems in communicating, in relationships
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • general sadness
  • past and/or current trauma
  • abuse
  • change
  • meaninglessness
  • confusion
  • personal growth matters
  • depth therapy
  • couples therapy


Counselling/Therapy Services

Sometimes our lives are not turning out as we might have expected or hoped. Psychotherapy leads to increased insight into the influences on our way of relating with both ourselves and those around us. This helps us notice our own motives, feelings, and the habitual ways we have of seeing things which in turn helps us make informed decisions about our life and how we want to be. With psychotherapy increasingly we can explore and move towards our potential. As we understand ourselves and our experiences better we can find the courage to articulate our feelings and needs to have the life we want.


Counselling/Therapy Approach

My approach is to attend to your needs and your way of presenting. I work in the present moment as well as attending to past experiences and future plans. I provide a safe warm and respectful environment. My approach is psychodynamic which means together we consider how primary and central relationships have influenced how your approach life.Together we can talk in confidence and find a way of living that is fulfilling and enjoyable.


Background and Experience

I have clinical experience in counselling at the Wellington People’s Centre and in private practice in psychotherapy and at the New Zealand Aids Foundation. I have experience working in psychotherapy and counselling with artists and creative professionals, and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOAs).


Q Registrations and Memberships

- Registered Psychotherapist
- Member New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists (MNZAP)

Q Qualifications

- Master of Arts (Victoria University)
- Master of Arts (University of Georgia, USA)
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons, University of Otago)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Science (AUT)
- Bachelor of Counselling (Wellington Polytechnic)
- Master of Psychotherapy (Hons, AUT)

Q Appointments

Currently available:
- IN OFFICE Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11am - 3.30pm
- ONLINE Tuesday, Thursday 10am - 4.30pm

Q Fees

- $150 per 50 minute session
- WINZ subsidy where applicable
- payment can be by Online or cash.
